
Not alone in these waters!

Surfing the web, my husband and I have found other swimmers' blogs, so check them out:

Tony so happens to write the SCAQ blog for the masters group where I swim regularly and he shares a lot of info about swimming news and cool water gear. I met him in person last week; he has been swimming forever and it shows in the pool!

Rob's RobAquatics says a lot about his personality. He shares his workouts (thanks) and his adventures in the water. I haven't met him yet, but he'll be in the Pentathlon this Saturday, so I'm looking forward to share a few words.

I'm sure there are more swimmers splashing around, so I'll go back to these waters!


  1. Congratulations on discovering the sport! I was once part of the swim blogger world but now I content myself with just lurking about. Best of luck to your husband in his pentathlon this weekend (we're not talking about the Modern Pentathlon here are we?)

    P.S. What's your husband's name? I've named him Aristedes in my mind - close?

  2. Hi Scott! Ironically, you are closer than you think as his name is... also Scott! I'm including a video of him in his first heat. Thanks for your comment. I realize that in this journey of self discovery, we thing we are alone when we are really all together!
