
Dry pondering

Going back to basics is not admitting defeat, it's admitting our constant search for perfection. So while I'm bedridden with a virus that had obviously extended his welcome period, my husband found a great blog that talks about the basics of swimming form.

The post even includes a simple workout that is more form focused than distance focused.

I'm bored at home so I'll try it in an indoor pool later today.



  1. Yaaaggghhhh! Still ill!?!? It's alright. Just let the boody do it's thing and all will be as it should.

  2. This season colds are really bad. Take your time.

  3. It has been sooo hard to go back to the pool! The body barely floats and the lungs get tired easily. But being in the water makes me feel better already. Thanks for your support!

  4. Don't give up! Rest now but swim as soon as you can! No matter how slow you feel, you're still faster than me!
